No setup fee. Cancel anytime. No credit card required. No software installation.
Residential & commercial MLS® data
WeChat, WhatsApp & iMessage sharing
ExclusiveAvailable in 20 languages
ExclusiveMy MLS® & My Office’s MLS® listings
Unlimited sold & exclusive listings
Multilingual email/SMS listing notifications
ExclusiveStunning REALTOR® website templates
Interactive lead-capturing system
ExclusiveFully optimized mobile experience
Webpages & emails with agent’s branding
ExclusiveSearch engine optimized listing pages
Scan & save digital business cards
ExclusiveSeamless user experience across devices
Repeated brand exposure
ExclusivePowerful CRM for REALTORS®
ExclusiveClient activity & statistics reports
ExclusiveDetailed client communication records
Exclusive24/7 Interactive inquiry & viewing request
ExclusiveResidential & commercial MLS® data
WeChat, WhatsApp & iMessage sharing
ExclusiveAvailable in 20 languages
ExclusiveMy MLS® & My Office’s MLS® listings
Unlimited sold & exclusive listings
Multilingual email/SMS listing notifications
ExclusiveStunning REALTOR® website templates
Interactive lead-capturing system
ExclusiveFully optimized mobile experience
Webpages & emails with agent’s branding
ExclusiveSearch engine optimized listing pages
Scan & save digital business cards
ExclusiveSeamless user experience across devices
Repeated brand exposure
ExclusivePowerful CRM for REALTORS®
ExclusiveClient activity & statistics reports
ExclusiveDetailed client communication records
Exclusive24/7 Interactive inquiry & viewing request
Exclusive2. Can I integrate My GoodReal’s MLS® listings to my existing website?
Of course! If you have your own website, you can still benefit from My GoodReal’s powerful web solutions for REALTORS® . As your Real Smart Assistant, My GoodReal can be embedded seamlessly onto your website. You can work with your existing website designer/developer, and simply provide them the integration code to power your website.
6. How many MLS® listings and exclusive listings can I add to My GoodReal?
Unlimited. All MLS® listings can be automatically synced to your website, and you can also add an unlimited number of past sales records, residential and commercial listings.